Personal training brought to you in Brighton & Hove



My journey with Gemma started in April 2010 where I weighed 102kg, and as a type 1 diabetic my main aim was to lose weight. I initially found it very hard, as I did not have the will power to continue being healthy and I did not listen to Gemma and her advice. Then during the summer months of 2010 I started to listen to her more attentively as she encouraged me to log down what I was eating. The training became more intense as I had signed up to do a mountain summer challenge for July 2011. She has been an excellent personal trainer and continued to push me towards my goals, which I never thought could have been possible last year. My diabetic control has pleased my doctors as it has been controlled the best in my 10 year history of diabetes. My last weigh in was 81.5kg.


'I couldn't recommend Gemma's 6 week programme enough. I lost over a stone, am so much more toned, I've never been fitter and I'm delighted with myself. I have so much more energy too and this kicked in from the first week. Gemma's guidelines are straightforward and easy to follow and really focus more on an abundance of healthy food rather than restrictions. The habits this programme have helped me form will definitely stick and I really feel completely re-educated and motivated. Gemma's personalised feedback is really informed and just spot on in terms of results. I have a baby and toddler and really thought I would never lose the weight I put on in two consecutive pregnancies. This programme has really transformed how our family eats.' Catherine did so well over the 6-weeks and really embraced everything that I asked her to do. She lost a total of 7kg, inches off her measurements and also halved her fitness test results.

Catherine Everett
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